Friday, April 17, 2009

adv3dmg final

hey guys, this is the group project i've been workin on all term
it still needs a lot of work but here it is!
lots of blood sweat n tears, but phew! it's all ovaaa

i had to resize this to make it fit in this effing blog space, but if you want to see fullsize video go here: woot

this piece along with one of my motion type piece will be shown in the student gallery for next term woot!


  1. Wow! Just wow.

    I just had to watch it over and over. The Growth of Energy concept is very clear and spot on. Enjoyed every second of it :) Good choice of music too! jal hesssss.

  2. shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit claire. That was breathtaking.

  3. u know i love da dandelion part ;) congrats on getting two things in da gallery u talented talented bitch
