Thursday, February 12, 2009

inspirational animal shits

ok to start off, i wanted to show you guys this incredible video of a camouflage octopus

and if you guys have 20 mins to spare in your busy lives, this is a great talk that i watched in my biomimicry class about feet and robotics, how these guys researched and studied animals and insects' feet and how they walk to make robots that can do the same.

i thought this was AMAZING. he's pretty funny, i thought, but i was the only one laughing in class.... no one seemed to enjoy this as much as i did lol


  1. WHAT the gecko...!!! Great videos. Robots creep the shit outta me.

  2. omg the octopus is serious crazy man. my teacher did say before dat they are really intelligent and crazy awesome at ...watz the word...i forgot..u know, hiding n whatnot..:shrug:
